kelley m young kelley m young

Our Children Deserve Better: Understanding the Hidden Crisis in Their Health

If you’ve been lying awake at night, heart heavy with worry about your child’s health, wondering why conventional answers aren’t working, you’re not alone. Deep down, you know when something isn’t right, even when others try to reassure you. That intuition is powerful—and it deserves to be heard.

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kelley m young kelley m young

Redefining Healthcare: A Gentle Approach to Hope & Healing for Your Child

As a parent, you’ve likely felt that sinking feeling—sitting in a doctor’s office, watching the clock, holding your uncomfortable or distressed child, only to be met with a hurried appointment and a prescription instead of real answers.

You are not alone in this experience. So many parents find themselves navigating between conventional medicine’s quick fixes and the vast, sometimes overwhelming world of holistic health. The question remains: who will truly take the time to understand your child and help them thrive?

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kelley m young kelley m young

POTS Unveiled: Navigating the Roots of This Neurological Challenge

POTS affects approximately 1 in 100 teenagers, with girls being 2-3 times more likely to develop the condition. While you may have been told that genetics are to blame or perhaps received no clear explanation at all, there's more to the story that every parent needs to understand.

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kelley m young kelley m young

5 Gentle Ways to Boost Your Energy as a Parent

Parenting takes a lot out of you, but being perpetually drained isn’t a badge of honor, nor is it inevitable. It’s not selfish to prioritize your energy—it’s necessary. And the good news? You don’t need to overhaul your entire life to start feeling better.

Let’s talk about simple, sustainable shifts you can make today that will truly feel life changing! 

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kelley m young kelley m young

The Essential Choice for Supporting Your Child’s Health

As parents, we’re always trying to do what’s best for our children. But with so many health options out there—natural remedies, traditional medicine, supplements—it can feel overwhelming. Are we doing enough? Are we choosing the right path?

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kelley m young kelley m young

Understanding Your Child’s Emotional Outbursts: A Holistic Approach to Tantrums, Meltdowns, and Defiance

Parenting can be so rewarding, but some seasons are undeniably challenging. If your days feel consumed by emotional outbursts, defiance, and battles over the smallest things, you’re not alone. Many parents feel the sting of canceling plans or avoiding outings just to avoid public meltdowns. It’s tough, and our hearts go out to you! - But there’s hope.

Understanding the "why" behind your child’s behavior is the first step toward a calmer, happier home. Let’s explore the deeper roots of these challenges and talk about a natural, nurturing approach that may bring some much-needed peace to your family.

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kelley m young kelley m young

The #1 Overlooked Reason Why Your Child is Constipated

As a parent, it’s heartbreaking to watch your child struggle with something as basic as going to the bathroom. Constipation can feel like an uphill battle, with endless remedies and little relief. You’re not alone—constipation affects one in four children, and the numbers are even higher for kids with specific challenges like autism (70%), anxiety (40%), and ADHD (30%).

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kelley m young kelley m young

How to Protect Your Child During RSV Season: Holistic Strategies Every Parent Should Know

As a parent, few things are more heart-wrenching than seeing your child struggle to breathe. RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) season can bring heightened worry and sleepless nights, constantly checking that your little one is resting comfortably. If this feels familiar, you’re not alone. The good news? You can take proactive steps to protect your child and strengthen their natural defenses.

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kelley m young kelley m young

Is My Baby Colicky From Silent Reflux?  Or is it Something Else?

As a parent, you have that beautiful intuition, that gentle sense that knows when something feels a little “off” with your baby. Maybe there’s a persistent cough that seems to linger, or perhaps your little one just seems uncomfortable or extra fussy after meals. After a visit to the pediatrician, you might have been told, “It’s just a phase” or “They’ll grow out of it.” But what if there’s more to the story?

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kelley m young kelley m young

5 Ways to Embrace a Stress-Free Holiday Season

 41% of U.S. adults say their stress levels go up during the holidays, according to the American Psychological Association. This stress often shows up as headaches, disrupted sleep, fatigue, and even a weakened immune system, making it harder for families to soak up the magic of the season.

But here’s the good news: you have the power to help your family not only get through this busy season, but truly thrive. Let’s dive into five gentle, nurturing ways to prioritize your family’s well-being and keep holiday stress at bay.

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kelley m young kelley m young

Are Your Child’s Antibiotics Doing More Harm Than Good?

As parents, we know how stressful it is to see our little ones feeling unwell. When faced with a feverish toddler or a child with ear pain, it’s natural to want the quickest fix—often, that means reaching for antibiotics. But did you know that this quick solution could be doing more harm than good?

Here’s something surprising: nearly 30% of antibiotic prescriptions for children are unnecessary, according to the CDC. That’s almost one-third of the time we’re giving powerful medications to children who don’t actually need them.

Why is this a big deal? Aren’t antibiotics there to keep us safe?

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How to Feel Confident Your Baby is Meeting Milestones

Watching your little one grow is an incredible journey filled with so many “firsts.” 

From first smiles to first steps, it’s natural to wonder: Is my baby meeting all their milestones? 

Are they progressing in the right order?

At Golden Family Chiropractic, we’re here to guide you through this process, giving you confidence and clarity about your baby’s development. In this blog, let’s explore why the order of these milestones often matters more than the timing, and how you can support your baby’s health and growth with peace of mind.

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Lauren Golden Lauren Golden

4 Essential Tips for a Healthier Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a beautiful and transformative journey, but it can also be filled with uncertainties and challenges. Every expecting mom wants to ensure she’s doing everything possible to give her baby the best start in life. A healthy pregnancy sets the foundation for a healthy baby, and there are some key steps you can take to support both your physical and mental well-being during this crucial time.

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Lauren Golden Lauren Golden

Choosing Your Circle: Finding the Right Providers for Your Prenatal Team

Building the right prenatal team is essential for a healthy, empowered pregnancy journey. Choosing providers who support your vision and incorporating Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic Care can make all the difference. At GFC, we team up with top Chicagoland birth providers to ensure personalized, supportive care for you and your baby. Schedule a neurological INSiGHT scan to ensure your nervous system is ready for this transformative experience, and let us help you create the best possible start for your new family.

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Lauren Golden Lauren Golden

Why Too Many Treatments Can Hinder Your Child's Healing

Parents, we see your dedication to helping your child overcome chronic health issues, and we know the emotional and financial toll it takes. Despite consulting numerous doctors and trying various therapies, your child's healing may still be elusive. The key isn't in trying more treatments but in addressing the root cause: nervous system dysregulation. By focusing on this foundational issue through Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic Care, we can create a pathway for your child's overall healing and well-being. Consider exploring this approach at GFC to unlock your child's full potential and thrive in their health journey.

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Lauren Golden Lauren Golden

5 Steps to Smoother Back-to-School Transitions for Kids with ADHD and SPD

As summer winds down and the back-to-school season approaches, we know the mix of hope and apprehension you might feel, especially if your child has ADHD, Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD), or anxiety. While the structured environment, social pressures, and academic challenges of school can be stressful, there are powerful strategies to help your child thrive. From gradually resetting sleep schedules and creating an organized home environment to setting up a distraction-free study space and prioritizing morning exercise, you can set your child up for success. Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic Care also offers a holistic approach to addressing nervous system imbalances, helping your child focus, regulate emotions, and enhance overall well-being. Together, we can empower your child to have a brilliant and successful school year!

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Lauren Golden Lauren Golden

Hope for Developmental Delays: Finding Success Outside Standard Therapies

When standard therapies fall short in addressing gross motor delays, Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic Care offers a promising alternative. By targeting underlying nervous system issues such as subluxations, often overlooked in conventional treatments, this approach has shown rapid improvements in children like Austin, aged 12, who faces challenges with autism and chronic constipation. Utilizing advanced Neurological INSiGHT Scans, clinics like GFC tailor personalized care plans to unlock children's potential naturally.

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Lauren Golden Lauren Golden

How to Care For Chronic Constipation Naturally

Chronic constipation is a prevalent issue affecting about 30% of children, often worsening during their preschool and toddler years. Contrary to popular belief, kids don’t simply outgrow constipation; they frequently develop other digestive issues as they grow older.

If you’ve exhausted natural remedies like prebiotics, probiotics, prune juice, and even over-the-counter medications such as Miralax, this guide is for you. Traditional pediatric approaches often treat symptoms rather than addressing the root cause. As a neurologically focused pediatric chiropractor, I've discovered that over 80% of children with constipation have a critical missing link—stress on the nervous system, also known as subluxation.

Through neurologically focused chiropractic adjustments, we aim to alleviate constipation by targeting the nervous system rather than merely treating the symptoms. Learn how this drug-free approach can make a significant difference in your child's digestive health and overall well-being.

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